I know a secret!
Please, please, don't ask me to tell.
Okay, okay ... one hint.
Someone in our family is "exceptional".
No. Really, I have already said too much.
I really shouldn't even know this, but I know someone who knows someone who sends e-mails about educational related topics.
Okay, one more hint and that is it.
We are "batting three for three"!
I know, that was a bad hint because now you are thinking sports and it has nothing to do with sports. It has to do with school. Well, yea, sports can be related to school, but not until middle school and this is about a second grader.
Oh, now I really have to stop.
I know that wasn't fair because you only got one good hint.
Okay, one more, and that is it!
Someone that I know got an e-mail from someone she knows who is in charge of "exceptional education" in our county about someone I know (and love!). But, I absolutely cannot tell you what the e-mail said ... well, I can tell you it was about the results of all their "testing" on this certain someone that I know (and love!). But, I absolutely cannot tell you if I know whether or not
Mitchell was selected to be a part of the Gifted Education Program!
So, please, don't ask me because I cannot keep secrets!
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