Saturday, October 3, 2009

I cannot do everything ...
but I know Someone who can!
Today was one of those days where it becomes crystal clear that I cannot be everything to everyone! Our day started out at 5:00 am. The Cheer Devils competed at Morgan County High School today. The caravan pulled out of the middle school at 6:30 am. The Marching Red Devils competed at Lassiter High School, and they had to report in uniform at 8:00 am. Mitchell's soccer match was late in the day -10:30 am! So, what is a mom to do? I can pray! I can pray that my children will be well rested and give their all. I can pray for their safety. And, mostly I pray that His presence will be with them ~ encouraging and guiding their steps. (and flips & kicks!)

I can praise Him for loving my children more than I ever could.
I also can thank God for Aunt Tammy!

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