CraZy wEEk!
Dear Walton County Board of Education,
First, I would like to tell you that I really do appreciate everything you do for my family. My children are attending award winning, distinguished centers of learning where they have awesome, well-educated caring teachers instructing outstanding, challenging curriculum. You provide safe schools, offer fabulous sports programs, clubs and extra curricular actvities for enjoyment and growth. You faithfully pay our insurance premiums, contribute to my husband's retirement account and of course, I look forward to hearing from you on the 15th and the 30th each month. However, I would like to understand why
you insist on totally jacking up a week of my life each semester?
I will never understand why you think sending all of the children home shortly after they arrive two days in the middle of the week is productive. I do understand the importance of the teacher/parent conferences, but I thought it was common knowledge "in the industry" that the parents the teachers need to confer with don't show up! So, I am to believe that these same parents take Tuesday afternoon off of work to hear how little Johnny is not performing at grade level and is, in fact, probably going to be in the court system by next semester?! I don't thing so. But, to be perfectly honest it is not little Johnny or his parole officer's time that is my concern - it is my time. Do you understand the two most hectic times of day in my household is bedtime and morning time? We still have to do homework, pack lunches, get backpacks packed, set our alarms for 5:30 and do it all again! Plus, I get to add the extra trips back to the schools because just because there is no classroom instruction in the afternoon there is still band practice, cheerleading practice and football games all at their regularly scheduled times. I am not angry, but I am holding you personally responsible for the fact that it is Friday and my house is not clean, my laundry is not done, we have no food, I haven't taken any pictures of my kids, I haven't blogged, I haven't done any decorating or crafting and I didn't make it a week on one tank of gas. Would please consider giving us one whole day off and preferably a Friday?
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