Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Learning To Be Content

Philippians 4:11 could be considered my life verse ... of course, I am so thankful I don't have to pick one. But, I love learning to be content in all things. No, that does not always come easy for me and is not always the most fun. But, that is what I want my life to exude ... I have Jesus, what else could I desire. I am content. Lately, as a family, we have all been feeling a little (a lot depending on who you ask) of discontentment as we our juggling vehicles as we purpose ourselves to live within our means. I cannot deny that another car (or two) would make our days easier. Today as I was driving Marshall to class, I was reminded of a week that I had the privilege of driving my sister's family around while she and Jim took a vacation. One of my duties was to take Zach to college. Yes, it was early, yes it was boring waiting on him and yes it was even a little frustrating when I realized on the first day that he had fell asleep in the backseat and let me drive WAY out of the way! But, you know what? I got to be a part of his life that week. I got to see his school. We got to have a few lunches, and of course, shop the Metro Thrift on half price day! So, what does shopping and eating lunch out have to so with being content? Those are precious memories that I will never forget. So, today instead of dreading my trip to the college, I am going to cherish it and thank Jesus that my son needs me. I am thanking Jesus for Marshall, and that he has the opportunity to go to college. And, I am thanking Jesus that Marshall's alternator is lying on the hood of his car!
